Keep up with the latest.

Partnership with Schibsted and Bonnier News Challenges the Advertising Industry
Throughout the year, several major Swedish publishers have connected to Adnuntius, and with Bonnier News going live at the turn of the year, all major publishers are now represented. This strengthens Adnuntius' presence, and with the total offering, advertisers gain access to a unique product across an extensive inventory.

Henrik Staib Joins Adnuntius
Henrik Staib will lead the company's commercial efforts in Norway.

A Direct Path to Efficient and Green AdTech
We know we’re the greenest ad tech going around because we’re the most efficient — and that’s by design!

Meet the team
We are proud over our employees and we think its time for you to meet them. We have just gathered the team for a few days outside Oslo and we managed to snap some really nice photos between our workshops.

High Impact Formats are Here
High impact formats are a great way to capture more attention. Now you can create full-screen ads directly in our marketplace.

Optimize and Measure Attention
We radically simplify the supply chain to bring you more effect. We also offer solutions to help you get more attention, and therefore effect, on your campaigns too.

Semantic Targeting and Reporting
We’ve now started introducing more reporting tools that further enables control over semantically targeted campaigns.

Export Creatives to Campaign Manager
For those of you who use Google’s Campaign Manager to host ads, here is how you get your video streaming creatives activated faster.

Introducing AdStream Studio
Revolutionize your advertising with Adnuntius’ cutting-edge video streaming service, where attention and efficiency meet.

Publisher Platform Launches Proprietary High Impact Formats
Ad buyers can now purchase high impact formats on Danish media using our technology.

Introducing semantic targeting
Adnuntius customers can now use AI and large language models to effectively match ads to the most relevant content.

Ads - An Environmental Problem?
A little-discussed problem is how much energy goes into digital advertising and what this means for the environment. Can we do something about it?

Schibsted Uses Adnuntius for Privacy-Safe Ad Serving
Schibsted Denmark has implemented Adnuntius for privacy safe ad serving, to retain its ability to serve ads to users who choose not to be tracked or identified.

Adnuntius is global
Adnuntius is operating in more than 15 countries, and this is just the start.

Win-win for publishers and advertisers
Our marketplace in Norway C-ALT, benefits both publishers and advertisers significantly, compared with traditional programmatic adbuying.

Adnuntius Redefines Video Ad Serving
Adnuntius has supported videos inside banners and as prerolls all along. We now launch technology to make the most out of video on any device - adapting to the format, ad content and bandwidth that best suit the streamers’ needs.

Control 3rd Party Technologies
Use blocklists and allowlists to protect publishers from unwanted tech in ads.

End-to-end marketplaces are the future of ad buying.
End-to-end marketplaces will replace traditional programmatic.